Resolve underwater scour issues with HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete scour protection mattresses.
The best solution for localized scour underwater and on land, HYDROTEX provides superior protection against harsh hydraulic forces under the sea.
How? The geosynthetic panels are laid out underwater at berths, ports, and harbors, then pumped with fine aggregate concrete. The result is a fabric-formed concrete mat that conforms to the scour depth around pier piles, on embankments, and under any marine structure.
How is HYDROTEX used to create a foundation for rubble mound structures?
The Problem
Rubble mound structures (breakwaters, jetties, oyster reefs, etc) are a critical component of any coastal system. They are one of many ways to control water flow and direction as it comes in from the sea, protecting port operations and ecological environments.
Proper foundations are imperative to ensure the long-term performance of these structures. Without a foundation, you risk having to spend millions in repair or replacement costs.
The Solution: HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for the In-Situ Casting of Concrete
Cast a concrete foundation under a jetty with HYDROTEX fabric formworks. The result is a permeable concrete mattress that effectively prevents soil loss beneath the breakwater, preventing differential settlement and improving the structure’s stability and longevity.
Best HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for Casting an Oyster Reef Foundation
HYDROTEX® Articulating Block
HYDROTEX® Grout Bags
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Whether used as breakwaters or shoreline protection systems, rubble mound structures play a critical role in coastal civil engineering projects.
Protect your rubble mound structure from underwater erosion and scour by creating a foundation below the structure, minimizing soil movement and counteracting wave conditions that can critically compromise its efficacy and stability.
HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the best solution for such a need, ensuring the longevity of the structure and minimizing erosion of the coast’s shores.