Resolve underwater scour issues with HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete scour protection mattresses.
The best solution for localized scour underwater and on land, HYDROTEX provides superior protection against harsh hydraulic forces under the sea.
How? The geosynthetic panels are laid out underwater at berths, ports, and harbors, then pumped with fine aggregate concrete. The result is a fabric-formed concrete mat that conforms to the scour depth around pier piles, on embankments, and under any marine structure.
How is HYDROTEX used to protect against underwater prop and thruster scour?
The Problem
Ports are prime locations for scour, especially at the base of piers and quay walls. Due to natural waves and the movement created by the props and thrusters of ships coming into the ports, the embankment or subgrade material will scour and potentially compromise existing infrastructure.
The Solution: HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for the In-Situ Casting of Concrete
Effectively prevent critical damage to your port by installing a HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattress that will remediate or fill the scour hole as it happens. When a ship pulls into the port, the water will inevitably move, but the concrete mattress will prevent the sand and sediment from eroding.
Best HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for Casting an Underwater Scour Protection System
HYDROTEX® Articulating Block
HYDROTEX® Uniform Section
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HYDROTEX: The Best Prop and Thruster Scour Protection System
When a ship pulls away from a port, the land underwater is subject to localized scour. Protect underwater embankments from propeller action by armoring them with a HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattress custom-manufactured to the embankment. The mattress will ensure that soil movements remain to a minimum and that the underwater land isn’t altered by the passing of ships.