With HYDROTEX, embankment slope protection is permanent and easy.
HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the leading embankment protection method for rivers, locks, coasts, harbors, and more. Simply lay out the geosynthetic panels, pump with fine aggregate concrete, and see your custom-manufactured mattress rise to its designed thickness.
Though typically not used as a soil stabilization product, HYDROTEX can help stabilize the embankment and provide an extra layer of protection against hydraulic and environmental forces.
How is HYDROTEX used at embankments?
The Problem
Unprotected embankments can erode and cause the soil to recede under roads, infrastructure, and valuable property, leading to the catastrophic collapse of these structures.
How? Left exposed, embankments can erode due to waves, flowing water, or underwater ship thrusters. The optimal embankment protection solution will therefore accommodate different conditions and protect the embankment decades after installation.
The Solution: HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for the In-Situ Casting of Concrete
HYDROTEX fabric formworks are the best way to cast a concrete mattress that effectively prevents the soil from eroding and keeps the embankment intact.
With HYDROTEX, you can take care of any design requirements. For example, you can choose a product that relieves hydrostatic pressure, decreases water velocity, reduces wave run-up, or provides an impermeable liner.
Best HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for Permanent Embankment Erosion Control
HYDROTEX® Articulating Block
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HYDROTEX in Action at Embankments
Embankment Protection for Locks and Dams
Just like any other inland waterway, locks and dams have embankments that need to be protected from erosion.
HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the best solution for this application. A HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mat can withstand the hydraulic forces present at dams and prevent soil loss at these fragile areas.
Embankment erosion control services are typically applicable for:
Coastal Embankment Protection
Coasts are subject to erosion because of their constant contact with the ocean’s waves. Protect the coast near or around your facility with a HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattress. Our customized fabric formworks can help you cast a mattress of any thickness and configuration.
For example, two different formworks can be sown together, with an impermeable concrete mattress on one end and a permeable concrete mat on the other.
HYDROTEX can also be used as a shoreline revetment product.
River and Canal Embankment Protection
Preventing embankment failure should be a priority for municipal and regional authorities trying to maintain the well-being of bodies of water in their districts. HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the best erosion protection measure at river embankments, providing far superior protection than geocells (cellular confinement), matting, rip rap, and prefabricated concrete blocks.
Embankment Protection at Bridges, Highways, & Railways
Embankment failure is a concern for DOT authorities looking to ensure the sustainability of their municipality’s rivers, canals, and other inland bodies of water. Ensure river embankments are protected by armoring them with HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete.
Permanent and simple to install, a concrete mattress will relieve hydrostatic pressure and keep the soil protected underneath.
Who is Synthetex?
We are the manufacturer of HYDROTEX® geosynthetic fabric formwork used for the in-situ casting of concrete.
We are not an engineering firm, subcontractor, concrete supplier, or fabriform installer. We are a manufacturer.
As your manufacturer, we work with each of those entities to deliver cost-effective solutions at every stage of your project. Our team will also assist with cost analyses, train installation teams, provide technical assistance, and assist with design and hydraulics.
We’re not just a one-time supplier—we’re your strategic partner for your current project and beyond.