HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the best erosion control solution for culvert and outlet protection.
Roadside culverts should be protected from soil loss with a custom-manufactured erosion control system.
Synthetex manufactures the leading permanent erosion control product for municipalities and DOTs who want to permanently protect culverts and outfalls against erosion. HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the top solution for this application, providing a permanent lining that requires minimal upkeep.
How is HYDROTEX used for outfall and culvert protection?
The Problem
Roadside culverts and outfalls are at a high risk of erosion, affecting inlet and outlet control. It can also expose the pipe, leaving it susceptible to critical damage that may permanently reduce the efficiency of the culvert’s components. This can cost thousands of dollars in repair.
The Solution: HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for the In-Situ Casting of Concrete
Prevent erosion at culverts by installing a HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattress. Whether you opt for a filter point, uniform section, or articulating block formwork, a HYDROTEX cast-in-place mattress will help guide the water into or out of the pipe and permanently protect against erosion.
Best HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for Protecting Culverts
HYDROTEX® Filter Point
HYDROTEX® Filter Band® Concrete Mattress
HYDROTEX® Uniform Section
HYDROTEX® Enviromat®
HYDROTEX® Articulating Block
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Permanent Canal Lining to Prevent Seepage
Sometimes a canal needs to be lined on the sides and the bottom to protect against seepage and erosion. In those cases, a HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mat is the best choice.
With a diver’s help, the unpumped geosynthetic panel can be dragged across the riverbed. Once pumped with fine aggregate concrete, the mattress will naturally adjust to the soil.
Which industries typically need canal lining services?
The Better Alternative for Precast Concrete Canal Lining
Unlike pre-cast concrete blocks, HYDROTEX can be easily transported to and from the project site.
No matter how remote or how close the canal is to a major highway, you will have no trouble transporting the geosynthetic panels to the installation site.
Additionally, other lining alternatives such as brick, puddle clay, LDPE plastic, cement, earthen types, or asphalt offer only a temporary solution that requires upkeep or replacement within a few years. HYDROTEX, on the other hand, is permanent and maintenance-free. After installation, HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattresses can last up to thirty years without any intervention.