Protect your coal ash containment liner with a HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattress manufactured by Synthetex.
Coal combustion residuals, or CCRs, are a by-product of coal-fired power plants. To ensure responsible disposal, maintenance units at utility companies use an HDPE liner, or geomembrane, to line fly ash channels and ponds. HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the top solution for protecting these liners from damage. Give our team a call for a free quote for your project.
How is HYDROTEX used in CCR liner protection projects?
The Problem
Liners are an expensive but necessary investment to comply with EPA CCR standards. These geomembranes are vulnerable to damage from objects, UV, and equipment or machinery operating over or on the liner to deposit the coal ash. They are also susceptible to wind uplift, which can lead to rips, costing millions in maintenance and repair.
The Solution: HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for the In-Situ Casting of Concrete
Protect your liner from damage by casting a concrete mattress over the geomembrane using HYDROTEX fabric formworks for the in-situ casting of concrete.
The fabriform mattress creates an additional layer over the liner, protecting against machinery, UV, wind uplift, and other damage.
Best HYDROTEX Product for Protecting CCR Geomembranes
HYDROTEX® Uniform Section Concrete Mattress
HYDROTEX Uniform Section is the best alternative to concrete slope paving and geocells. When cast-in-place using fine aggregate concrete, this fabric form creates a rigid, concrete surface that can be driven on by machinery and company vehicles. The Uniform Section fabric formworks come in thicknesses ranging from 2 to 16 inches and makes installing a cast-in-place concrete mattress easy and efficient.
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HYDROTEX: The Best Liner Protection Product for Coal-Fired Power Plants
To comply with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations, power plant companies use ash ponds and channels to responsibly dispose of fly ash and bottom ash.
These ponds are then lined with a geomembrane, which must be protected from damage to ensure it keeps harmful contaminants from leaching into the water table.
Protect your coal ash liner with HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete. Durable and maintenance-free, HYDROTEX will protect geomembranes from environmental stressors, UV degradation, and wind and uplift.
It will provide permanent protection to geomembranes while adding an extra barrier that will keep harmful chemicals from entering the ground water.
HDPE Liner Protection Custom-Made For Your Project
HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is entirely custom-manufactured to your project’s specifications and requirements.
Ready for a quote? Call us at 1-800-225-0023 for a free project consultation with our engineers.
Who is Synthetex?
We are the manufacturer of HYDROTEX® geosynthetic fabric formwork used for the in-situ casting of concrete.
We are not an engineering firm, subcontractor, concrete supplier, or fabriform installer. We are a manufacturer.
As your manufacturer, we work with each of those entities to deliver cost-effective solutions at every stage of your project. Our team will also assist with cost analyses, train installation teams, provide technical assistance, and assist with design and hydraulics.
We’re not just a one-time supplier—we’re your strategic partner for your current project and beyond.