HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete is the top countermeasure for localized scour and erosion at bridges and piers.
We provide best-in-class bridge abutment scour protection solutions for engineering firms, general contractors, and installers looking for a permanent, cost-effective product they can confidently use to bid on a project.
With HYDROTEX, you save money, resources, and time.
How is HYDROTEX used in bridge abutment protection projects?
The Problem
Water velocity, wind, and/or wave run-up cause soil loss and bed degradation at bridge abutments.
When soil is lost underneath the abutment, the structure will settle downward, causing a difference in elevation and forming cracks that will lead to irreparable damage and structural failure.
The Solution: HYDROTEX Fabric Forms for the In-Situ Casting of Concrete
Prevent failure by using HYDROTEX fabric forms for the in-situ casting of concrete. With a custom-made HYDROTEX fabric form, you can cast a permanent mattress or grout bag that conforms to the scour depth and stabilizes the abutment.
One principal benefit of our product is that it can be installed under water. It’s also much easier to install in low head clearance conditions. Rip rap, for example, isn’t as easy to install in such conditions.
HYDROTEX® Articulating Block Fabric Forms (Fabriform)
Cast an articulating block concrete mattress to protect an abutment with HYDROTEX Articulating Block fabric forms. We manufacture the fabric forms with internal revetment cables that aid articulation and permit flexibility. Once cast in place with fine aggregate concrete, you’ll get a custom mattress that remediates and prevents scour. This is the most popular product for bridge abutment protection projects.
HYDROTEX® Grout Bags for Bridge Abutment Protection
Easily cast a grout bag with a custom-made HYDROTEX grout bag fabric form. Another popular choice for bridge abutment protection projects, a grout bag will fill the scour hole and prop the abutment back up if the local scour has already effected a difference in elevation. Grout bags are made with 100% custom width and height for any type of bridge abutment.
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Why choose HYDROTEX for Scour Prevention at Bridge Abutments?
HYDROTEX is easy to install underwater and requires no excavation, making it superior to grouted riprap, gabion baskets, retaining walls, and reinforced soil systems.
The geosynthetic panels are delivered to the project site ready-to-pump, and installation requires no heavy machinery or specialized workforce.
Not convinced? HYDROTEX is permanent, durable, and maintenance-free. Once installed, it is there to stay.
Which industries typically need abutment protection services?
What type of bridges can be protected by HYDROTEX?
Bridges that cross over any body of water—including river bridges, railroad bridges, and highway bridges—can be protected by HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete.
Because HYDROTEX is custom-manufactured according to the bridge’s specifications, it can provide a level of protection that surpasses that of mass-manufactured scour protection solutions.
Have more questions? Unsure whether this is the right solution for you? Call 1-800-225-0023 for a free consultation with our engineers. We would be happy to help.
Who is Synthetex?
We are the manufacturer of HYDROTEX® geosynthetic fabric formwork used for the in-situ casting of concrete.
We are not an engineering firm, subcontractor, concrete supplier, or fabriform installer. We are a manufacturer.
As your manufacturer, we work with each of those entities to deliver cost-effective solutions at every stage of your project. Our team will also assist with cost analyses, train installation teams, provide technical assistance, and assist with design and hydraulics.
We’re not just a one-time supplier—we’re your strategic partner for your current project and beyond.